The Tubes - lyrics

Top The Tubes albums

Top The Tubes lyrics

Cathy's Clone
The Tubes


Brighter Day
The Tubes


Boy Crazy
The Tubes


Bora Bora 2000
The Tubes


Be Mine Tonight
The Tubes


The Tubes biography

The Tubes were arch satirists of popular culture whose outrageous performance-art concepts -- which swung wildly from soft-core p**nography to suit-and-tie conservatism -- frequently eclipsed their elusive musical identity. The beginnings of the group originate in Phoenix, Arizona in the late '60s, where guitarist Bill Spooner, keyboardist Vince Welnick and ba**ist Rick Anderson formed as the Beans (alternately billing themselves as the Radar Men from Uranus). After moving to San Francisco in 1972, the Beans recruited guitarist Roger ... Show more