If you're gone before I'm there And your yellowing walls appear Through the scrubbed graying sheets Look inside and see If you can't believe it's me Hiding out beneath eiderdown skies You are so hard to deceive Forget everything I go outside To virgin ground and dig a hole And bury my hands in the soil Because I don't like how I'm feeling If you can shake your head And break through my shadowy walls of sleep Draw the blinds above your bed And try hard to see Through the windows into the street At little patches of ironed out lawn
It is so hard to believe you can do anything I don't know Everybody's on their backs And I don't know if they're sleeping I go outside To virgin ground and dig a hole And bury my hands in the soil Because I don't like how I'm feeling Go outside, Shake your head Draw the blinds above your bed Feel the sun on the street and the dirt beneath your feet Take a chance Leave your home Pack your bags before you go Call your friend Shake his hand And then set off and don't look back