When I was barely eighteen years of age
To join the army I did engage
I left the factory with a full intent
To join the forty-second regiment
To Fulwood barracks I then did go
To serve a short period in that depot
But out of trouble I could not stay
For Captain Hanson took a dislike to me
While standing sentry there one day
Some soldiers' children come out to play
I took one name instead of three
And neglect of duty they did charge me
In the barrack courtroom I did appear
But Captain Hanson my sad story wouldn't here
My sentence it was quickly signed
And to Fulwood barracks theh I was confined
For fourteen weeks and thirteen days
My sentence rose and turned my brain
I would shoot my captain dead on sight
Was all that I resolved I'd do each night
I saw him walking on the barracks square
Walking arm-in-arm with Colonel Blair
I raised my rifle and fired to k**
And I shot my poor colonel against my will
I did the deed I shed the blood
At Liverpool Assizes my trial I stood
How the judge he said McCaffery
Prepare your self for the gallows tree
I had no father to take my part
I had no mother to break her heart
I had one friend and a girl was she
And she'd lay down her life for McCaffery
So come all you young soldiers take a warning from me
Have nothing to do with the British Army
For only lies and tyranny
That have made a martyr of McCaffery