[pale stanza : Gunnar Mothes / bullet art : The Gallery]
["Jeder,der sich die F?higkeit erh?lt,Sch?nes zu erkennen, wird nie alt werden." - F.Kafka]
When the seed of a tree has found it's place
And the first frail roots erupting their mother
His fate will be sealed,will get a face
Accepting one soil and no other
The growth of this tree no men won't prevent
And the rings around the core'll multiply
But deep beneath the shell of this tree
No more for relief he shall sigh
As vital air filled him and took his breath
The tree got marked for life
In vain he fought the unavoidable
Grant him the wish to survive!
Ai! laurie lantar la**i surinen
Yeni unotime ve ramar aldaron!
Yeni ve linte yuldar avanier
Mi oromardi lisse-miruvoreva