I saw you on the TV And it was love at first sight I knew at once That you was the one for me And then I wrote you a song And I sang it all day long This later song And it goes And it goes And it goes like this Singing dib-dab-dib A ri-bi-ri-bi-ri-ba Bud-ib rab-idiba dib-dey Singing dib-dab-dib-bub Di-ri-bi-ri-bi-ri-ba Bud-ib dib-idiba dib-dey, hey! You call me by day And by night And I'm already sick I'm sick of you
And this stupid song of yours That's why I hired a man To take care of you About this jerk Yes, he shot Yes, he shot He shot me and instead sang Dib da-dib A ri-bi-ri-bi-ri-ba Bud-ib dab-idiba dib-dey Singing dib-dab-dib A ri-bi-ri-bi-ri-ba Bud-ib-ib-ib-ibi-dib-dey Singing dib-dab-dib-dab Di-ri-bi-ri-bi-ri-ba Bud-ib dib-idiba dib-dey Singing dib-dab-dib-bub Di-ri-bi-ri-bi-ri-ba Bud-ib dib-idiba dib-dey, hey!