All The Four Lads Albums
01 16 Most Requested Songs (2016)
02 Moments to Remember - The Fabulous 50's (2008)
- Ain't It a Pity and a Shame *
- Average Giraffe *
- Bidin' My Time *
- Blackberry Boogie *
- Blue Tattoo *
- Bus Stop Song (A Paper of Pins) *
- Cleo and Meo *
- Do You Know What Lips Are for? *
- Eyes of God *
- Gilly Gilly Ossenfeffer Katzenellen Bogin by the Sea *
- Golly *
- Gone *
- Gotta Go to the Fais Do Do *
- Guess What the Neighbors'll Say *
- Happy Anniversary *
- Harmony Brown *
- He Who Has Love *
- His Invisible Hand *
- House With Love in It *
- I Almost Lost My Mind *
- I Hear It Everywhere *
- I Heard the Angels *
- I Just Don't Know *
- I Should Have Told You Long Ago *
- I Wonder, I Wonder, I Wonder *
- I'll Never Know *
- I'm Stickin' With You *
- I've Got Four Big Brothers *
- Istanbul *
- It's So Easy to Forget *
- Little Bit *
- Long Ago (And Far Away) *
- Long John *
- Loudenboomer Bird *
- Lovely Way to Spend an Evening *
- Mocking Bird *
- Moments to Remember
- No, Not Much
- Oh, That'll Be Joyful *
- On the Sunny Side of the Street *
- Place Where I Worship *
- Pledging My Love *
- Put a Light in the Window
- Ring-A-Ding-A-Ding *
- Skokiaan
- Standing on the Corner
- Thanks to You *
- There's Only One of You
- Too Much! Baby, Baby! *
- What Would I Do Without the Lord? *
- Why Should I Love You? *
- Won'cha *