We won't carry over We are the new We move it on I'm outta mind with modern age ultraviolet syndrome Beware mad scientists are stealing chromosomes Experimental aircraft chem trails across the sky Rain disease down on suburbia, burning lungs, stinging eyes Micro cellular breakdown, 'cause the cancer couldn't wait Early morning at the clinic methadone helps shake the shakes For another ninety days, mother daughter Alanon Electroshock on blacktop blown away oblivion U.S. Army and the Navy hovercraft on beachhead Anti-tank gun missile meshing blood and bone and lead Past and present combined stress psychedelic Vietnam Paratrooper won't elaborate about the burning bombs of napalm
Rust and blood and telecaster helicopter spotlight Seven-forty-seven shot straight out the sky National security global emergency Civilizations unraveled seams Bionic build titanium broken bones and X-rays Couple cans of neon spray paint, half a dozen razorblades Propaganda posters clinching tight around my brain No synapse can make connection, no idea can cause change We ain't around, she ain't around We don't need them anyway, said We're gonna drop them to the ground We ain't around, straight around Outta mind with modern age We're gonna drop them to the ground