as strong as any weapon as sharp as any blade a burning desire to rise above and overcome any barricade to vault over the burning ashes of those not up to the task and make up for whats lost in muscle by outfighting those who'd block our path the same pain that stops you drives me on we've all been outnumbered we've all been outgunned but i'll choose to stand where you choose to run as strong as any weapon as sharp as any blade in spite of hurt and in spite of pain
i've got scars to remind me tough times and darker days new demons arise but i won't change with every dark days sunset comes the promise of new days and what was lost cannot be in vain. you sit and cry and about the pain in your life but what have you done to make it change tears won't do nothing but ruin your make-up and i've no time for your complaints go and suffer i've not times for your complaints.