I pack my bags, shrug off the rain Scattered on the interstate, I call out your name Telephone lines, Getting me down I been so outta touch I lost my phone there back in town Mortgage due, pay back my loans Pay them by the US mail, a thousand miles from home You should be, so wild and free Right here with me I drag myself, right outta bed Another roach motel, don't touch the bed spread That's what you say, when you come along Looking for a laundromat in a town I don't belong Another dram, a drop of tears Drag the Colorado up and back for all these years
Where you should be, so wild and free Rigth here with me Right here with me, out here on the fringe So wild and free, just hanging by a thread Someday I may quit this ramblin' round, but somehow Right here with me is where I want to have you now I stretch the ties, the ties that bind They holding in a double knot, sometimes they get so tight It's been so long, since I been gone Blue-eyed soul blowing in the wind a song of home Oh you should be, so wild and free Right here with me