All Terry Taylor Albums
01 Avocado Faultline (2000)
02 John Wayne (1998)
03 The Miracle Faith Telethon (1990)
- A Briefing For The Ascent
- All Things To All Men (Spoken) *
- Beyond The Wall Of Sleep
- Big Guns *
- Catch That Angel (Remix)
- Changeless
- Don't Hate Yourself/Pulpit Masters *
- Fruit O' Ministry (Spoken) *
- Hide The Beer, The Pastor's Here
- I'm On Your Team
- Little Dumbo *
- Pretentious Poetry Readings (Spoken) *
- Riders In The Sky
- Soon
- Sprinkler Head *
- Sudden Heaven (Remix)
- That Large Family We Always Wanted (Spoken) *
- The Miracle Faith Prickly Heat Telethon Of Love (Spoken) *
- The Pool
- The Unattainable Earth (Remix) *
- What A World, What A World
- Young People's Ethnic Ministry (Spoken) *