When you've get some weed and know where to smoke
Take a tumb tack and an empty coke can
Put some holes in it and break up your bu*t
Throw it on the top and now you can smoke some some
Always Smoke a Bowla
Always Smoke a Bowla
We don't all drink up but we all wipe our bu*t
Take a toilet paper roll and some tin foil
Wrap the foil around the toilet paper roll
Poke some holes in it and you've got a good bowl
Always Smoke a Bowla
Always Smoke a Bowla
If you don't wanna Bowl and you wanna Bong
Take some tin foil and a one gallon milk jug
Cut off the bottom put a big hole in the top
Put some foil around it and fill up the bathtub
Always Smoke a Bowla
Always Smoke a Bowla
Always Smoke a Bowla
Always Smoke a Bowla