Sometimes anywhere i go
I feel in the middle of Ohio
No kind of rhythm and no idea
Where in the world to go from here
But it seems like anywhere I am
It's good to be a mankind loving kind of man
In a time of no no no
Put the gun down and we can go
Down to the river and drink it all away
Life is a giver and if you ask me it's a time to take
Sometimes anyone I see
Is hiding in the dark to feed on me
No kind of rhythm and no idea
Where in the world to go from here
But I've never been dealt a losing hand
Just didn't quite know how to play the one I had
In a time of go go go
Put the brakes on and take it slow
Now we'll deliver man I'm wide awake
Feeling the shiver and if you ask me it's a time to shake
sometimes anywhere I go
I feel in the middle of Ohio
No kind of rhythm and no idea
Where in the world to go from here
But it seems like anywhere I am
It's good to be a mankind loving kind of man
In a time of no no no
Put the gun down and we can go
Down to the river and drink it all away
Life is a giver and if you ask me it's a time to take