Intro "heh, heh, heh heh listen, studio gangsta, studio gangsta Studio gangsta, haven't you ever heard of a k**a" Verse 1 Ring-a-ding-a-ling i'm caught off In this thang with the mutha f**in' sawed off n***as that sleep don't wake up Cause i'll put the gauge to your nuts Have ya caughin' up piss and blood Mark a** n***as don't get no love The evil a** n***a from the f-a-c Bustin' out the hersh with the g-a-t I went to my n***a on the okland block He pa**ed me the glock said shoot the cop sh** went crazy when i spilt the pig Piggy in a blanet thats what we did Ran down the alley hotwired a broham Flashbacks of a bloody cop s**in' the chrome I'm lookin' up at me n***a and his name is g G co*ked the glock and looked back at me Me say my name is spice 1 i never heard a ya My name is spice 1 i never heard a ya My name is spice 1 i never heard a ya But a, 187 is a murdera, byd-a-bye bye (i'm the f**in' murdera, i'm the f**in' murdera Haven't you ever heard of a k**a) ---rbx Verse 2 You see i roll down the ra-a-roll down the ba-a-block Hand on the ha-a-hand on the ga-a-glock Seventa-a-ta-a-teen sha-a-sha-a-shots Seventeen na-a-n***as pa-a-pa-a-popped My name is spa-a-spa-a-spice wiggedy-wa-a-one My uzi wa-a-wa-a-weigh a ta-a-ta-a-ton I kicks the ra-a-ra-a-red ra-a-ra-a-rum
And leave your ba-a-ba-a-body na-a-na-a-numb So keep a n***a ka-a-keep a n***a ca-a-car Lookin' for the la-a-lookin' for the ba-a-bar Sell me a sa-a-sell me another o Scatter from the pa-a-po pa-a-pa-a-poe Hurry up and break this n***a for his keyes Because his glizock is at my ba-a-balls i'm fa-a-freeze The n***a with the na-a-n***a with the na-a-nine Flatt mutha f**in' flatt mutha f**in' nine ( ) x2 n***as da-a-da-a-don't understa-a-stand I'm a ma-a-ma-a-mad ma-a-ma-a-man k**in' for the ka-a-k**in' for the ka-a-keyes Keyes ka-a-ka-a-keyes ja-a-ja-a-g's Dump a n***a da-a-dump a n***a in a ditch 380 on that na-a-n***a a** ba-a-b**h Smobbin' wit the sma-a-smobbin' wit the ma-a-mug Livin' like a la-a-livin' like a tha-a-thug Gattin' n***as ga-a-gattin' n***as stra-a-strong Uzi sa-a-sa-a-sang a sa-a-sa-a-song Da-a-da-a-da-a-d**h wa-a-wa-a-wish A cappin' ya a ca-a-cappin' ya out the dish Whan a na-a-na-a-n***a sla-a-sla-a-slip This hollow ha-a-ha-a-hollow ta-a-ta-a-tip There ain't no safety on this double limb I got seventeen shots one for you and one for all a them Hos pushin' up daisies n***as can't fade me I told you i was crazy ho, but no You wanna f** wit the gat rata-tat-tat Murder fac and it's like that n***a shatt-ed ( ) x2