Chorus: There is a fight / A fight that is worth fighting / For the light / The light that's in your eyes / Love it that you know that your more then the animal / You hold in side / Archer in the sky / Sagittarius / 2x Verse 1 I clear my mind for a minute / Remove distractions / Call forth the angels in this spiritual conquest / Small steps I take make waves through the chaos / Chaotic out of body wake me up before I'm zombie / Holy mother share this water it is pure from the chalice / I married my Cinderella / Oh heavenly father / I found your journal and I read it / It said it wouldn't be long / Before the dread of the end / Of the world would finally be gone / It's like every ones excited for something so wrong / It's that flight or freezes mechanisms / Label it how you want to / Illuminati or reptilian / We can fight on and on / Over the cause of the pain / But that's not a fight worth fighting for / Let the sky above me / Clear out all the clouds now / No longer afraid of living in radiation / Stereotypical pick a part a piece of poem / And Leave for another / We write it in our own words / Drugs be feeding the hungry / A single mother looking for quarters / That's what the sign size / I want to believe it / But the same person I spotted headed over to the liquor store / Know tell me what's a lie mean to thief / Even Robin Hood / With his bow and his arrow / Was stealing from those / And who knows if they truly did deserve It / The loss of purpose faith and love can we ask for help / Even when where feeling our health / Waiting for time to have its way / I wish, I wish upon a star tonight / That the last apple to eat / Could be split enough yeah to be able to feed / Am I looking for God or is God looking for me / I like to think we are looking at one another / I know that it's hard for us to look at each other / And I feel that's what it will take / For us to have harmony together/ Chorus:
There is a fight / A fight that is worth fighting / For the light / The light that's in your eyes / Love it that you know that your more then the animal / You hold in side / Archer in the sky / Sagittarius / 2x Verse 2 It's like I need more time / I don't have enough / The tar pits near me / But I'm not jumping in / I walk with a ghost who wants to teach me how to live / With horse legs he's half animal and half man / The view is panoramic from the picture he's painting / The wind is warm on his back / And as he falls to his knees / He thinks he hears a subtle laugh / It's like the cry from a child / Yet there's no one around it's just him alone on the hunt / He knows his heart is his home so he's not afraid to move on / Divine archer bring me my bow of burning gold / Allow the arrow to be a symbol between heaven and earth / The struggle where running from / The target that where aiming at seems to be getting further away / He's hiding his anger now / Until it all comes out / In a fit of furry uncontrolled / Untolerable Hands upon his head he's covering up his eyes / And when he does he see's is terror inside / It's a terrible double bind / So he thinks he's trapped / Gives up hope and stops seeing all the light in eyes / It's no wonder the dominos all fall in a row / Made the great escape some see it as cowardice I see it more like samurai not afraid to go die / Now come along and walk with me / Here, wear my shoes / There is a power way bigger and it keeps moving through / I see the symbol in the sky of the archer / Hands back he's taking aim / Nothing can break his focus this moment He's been waiting for his whole life / The holy day when all souls celebrate / The cup overflows / The apple is split / The targets been hit right down the middle / It's a bullseye / And to my brother The Sagittarius / I wrote this song for you / To think you went on to the realms of light / And the mysterious /