1) Frolicking in glee through the golden meadows A Child with delight glows as he follows his shadow Spine warmed by sunlight and eyes to the moon Had only but one life, but shares it in two With only but a projected creation of his own anatomy A reflection of imagination but is part of him. Happily In love with his shadow plays and dance with her Would make a vivid light display for any oneiromancer For endless dusks they would stride through the vibrant fields Until his eyes lack lustre and would unto his eyelids yield Lying on his mattress her clutch embracing him at the side Whilst staring into the dancers of his flickering candlelight Of his life he did desire more yet she was enough for him For his silhouette fitted like a glove for him As he grew ripe, years pa**ing his soul desolate from famine Long nights of harvesting left him desperate; and heart barren So let his heart rest, strolled with his shadow in company Through a dark forest where she treaded uncomfortably Where he prevailed. Overhead canopies made her dissipate And she failed, so instead became one with the shade and imitates As he continued through valleys along the trodden trail Dark clouds above rallied and the wind wailed and blew a gale On the path, part of a cart had snapped an axel Growing dark and hark by the tree bark sat a damsel Face in handle locks blonde as candles donning a white mantle Beauty unfathomable pale as a phantom this girl… 2) …And now the magic unfurls, as her eyes possessed with tears Looked upon him, distorted; wiped her eyes clear She looked and saw his rough complexion and felt farmer's hands As she took his helping arm, she'd left her father's lands Rain drizzles. She must return to her manor estate Wind whistles. This was urgent for it was a matter of state Lighting overhead. She bears j**ellery, an elegance about her; But as they approach her resides, the thunder bellows (louder) Keraunomania, as they look upon shadowed conifers Blanketing the land like it twas all sewed gossamer As they arrived, he glimpses blushing, admiring her face Struggling for v-verbal essence to speak to his Kindred Wraith… 3) …Upon the eve, returned to his homestead The clouds leave, and he was no longer alone. Yet The shadows embraced feelings of a different range of magnitude She kept distance from him, the sun's perpendicular altitude Her angle to him is incomprehensible Despite all her life acting as his sentinel Now a plague upon his state but he could not playwright
Their contemporary intertwining was not staged right As they lay that night, he turned away to his mantle side The flickering was sickening, and he blew out the candlelight… 4) …Disequilibrium established as the balance of love shifted As the shadow is banished for another: this mistress Both witness to his dismissal of his dark side Leaves with purpose, self-service; surly a serpent in a past life Sure in knowledge of what his dreams could amount to In solace of this, he got on his steed, through the woods to the Granduke's Manor, where many were wearing many manners of ballroom attire Mask wearing harlequins danced within. He asked a squire: “Where in this masquerade escapade is the lord's la**?” Sure as he says this, a girl with eyes as pure gla** And with lips glossed like dew in the morning gra** Turned to him as he stared in an awed trance At long last, and he asked for a dance They prance as he offers the often frequent glance But out of the crowd emerged a noble donning cashmere robes Unbeknown that this was the man to whom she was betrothed Rancour at the presence, wanting this hatred to go past Who is this discrediting denizen who has swept her in his arms? Disgusted at his lack of luck and injustice, with plan in sleeve Sees him gloat, so with lump in throat, takes his coat and his leave Every glance pierced his heart like a lance, but for her his heart melted His ventricles were deceptible, but there was love and he felt it There was no shadow of self-doubt about him Springs is steps, but false winters of the discontent cloud him To build the rafters to a relationship He put quill to parchment man*script Drafting a letter, for the better, given to rider and Andalusian mare To be taken to the woman so fair… …The spilling of emotion drowned her in disapproval They never spoke again, and he commissioned his own removal Though not his fault, it was but his calling to do And when he sees her now, it is just salt in the wounds And as he travels home, and head rests upon his pillow He feels a dark presence amalgamating in the shadows He was a shell of himself since he dispelled what was real within him Now in hindsight he realized that love was not feeding him But starving him, so he needed a delicacy for his throat So he walked back into the trees with a chair and a rope… …Untouched by specters as he hung in his place Walks back to the golden hectares, as his love becomes one with his Kindred Wraith…