The common cold A love affair You?re either dead or you?ve gotten old There?s nothing fair There?s nothing just It?s either them or it?s one of us But in the end who you gonna trust? Who do you love? Who you gonna f**? Who do you cheat and steal from broke when you?re out of luck? Where will you hang your hat? Where will you lay your head? So sick and tired that you stay in bed There?s something going around Babe you?re not looking so Looking so good You?re coming down with a Common cold A cough and a snotty nose
Fever burning hot but your body?s cold There?s no drug no shot for a rotten soul You can?t run can?t walk but you gotta go The common cold The symptoms you probably know Immune system and head hangs kind of low You look different Your mind thinks kinda slow The common cold is a b**h but you?re not alone There?s something going around Babe you?re not looking so, looking good You?re coming down with a? You?re the coldest but your temperature rose When you woke up in a cold sweat You?re burning with fever