Madainn Di-haoine 's duthaich fo sgoth 'S mi sgith le cuid smalan, mi-mhisneachd is bron Seo an deicheamh la dhan a'Ghiblean 'sinn fo ghruaim a rithist An co-dhunadh a cheannaich na daoine aig pris Tha spiorad nan daoine nas soilleir na ghealach Nas doimhne na'n cuan Geigh sinn ar n-aite 'san t-shaoghal 'S an ginealach ur Ard: blar nan daoine Ard: guth is saorsa Ard: tha sinn gluasad Gu h-ard theid sinn suas 'S iomadh trioblaidtha romhainn 'nis Gaidheal agus Gall 'S mi le aon suil air eachdraidh, aon suil mo chlann Ach cum creideamh nad bheatha, sonas nad chridhe Chan e seo deireadh rathaid ach toiseach linn Tha spiorad nan daoine nas soilleir na ghealach Nas doimhne na'n cuan Geigh sinn ar n-aite 'san t-shaoghal 'S an ginealach ur Ard: blar nan daoine Ard: guth is saorsa Ard: tha sinn gluasad Gu h-ard theid sinn suas (Chorus) Chan urrain dhomh fuireach an taigh 'tha fo sgoth Ach le creideamh is dochas gu deireadh mo la Tha an lasair nad anam aig meadhan do bhith Nas laidir's nas motha na riaghaltas no righ (Chorus) (Chorus) --oOo-- Friday morning and the country is under a cloud
But I am tired of sorrow, pessimism, and gloom This is the tenth day of April and we have been let down again The decision that our people have bought at a price The spirit of the people is brighter than the moon Deeper than the ocean We will find our place in the world In a new generation High: The peoples struggle High: A Voice and self-determination High: We are moving We will reach up there Many troubles now confront us, Highlander and Lowlander As I keep one eye on history, one eye on my children, Keep belief in your life, joy in your heart This is not the end of the road, but the start of a new age The spirit of the people is brighter than the moon Deeper than the ocean We will find our place in the world In a new generation High: The peoples struggle High: A Voice and self-determination High: We are moving We will reach up there (Chorus) I can not live in the house of despondency But in faith and in hope till the end of my days The spark in your soul is the centre of your whole existence And it is bigger and stronger than any government or King (Chorus) (Chorus)