Good Ol' Springy
Blue collar
Scrape a dollar
Where did my Springy go?
There's a five foot crack in the front window
Masking tape to keep out the breeze
When i was 5, i looked out of that window
The view was the entire world to me
My Camelot, My Field of Dreams
Where I mimed with a tennis racket
To please, please me
All my memories now a
DOS house for 23 refugees
The garage is now all covered in rubble
My dad built that in three months
With a barrow and shovel
The backyard is a tip
Where I played in the saints premiership
You cant see the spot for all the tags
Where i offered to carry Sandra Smallman's schoolbag
The back fence, drunkenly leaning
Was the bricks and mortar of a schoolboy's dreaming
Good Ol' Springy
Do It Hard
Meet Backyard
Where did my Springy go?
I knew each house and nature strip
Happy Bistro, Woolies and Mr Chips
Aussie, Italian, Croatian, Maltese
Modest flocks, extended families
The blokes up the street all coming round
When Dad needed help putting stumps down
The football team that always wins
The Dandy Sharps, The Clayton Skins
The hot bread bakery that came and we said
It's the biggest thing to happen since sliced bread
The primary school without a blade of gra**
Kissing Mary C. in the Springy Rd. Underpa**
Rose Sunday, Fish and Chips Friday
Bus Stop loitering outside the library
Pinny's and Zorba's and misspent youth
My mates garage for three chords
And absolutley no idea of the truth
You can sweep out the town
You can get it back on track
You could restore every building
You can paint every crack
You could wash away the petty crime
The gangs and the smack
But the one thing you'd miss
Is the one thing you could never get back
There's a kid
His name is Vu
Right now he lives in Wentworth Ave.
He doesn't give a sh**
Why would you?
But maybe one day
He'll be thinking this too
Good Ol' Springy
Down a Heel
Keep It Real
Where did my Springy go?
Good Ol' Springy
Cup of Christ
Not always Nice
Where did my Springy go?
Good Ol' Springy
Tracksuit Flab
Is slightly shabby
Where did my Springy go?
Where did my Springy go?
Where did my Springy go?
Where did my Springy go?
Where did my Springy go?
Where did my Springy go?