No bad places One has no uses for abuses Not because it doesn't bring disgraces One doesn't have to prove one doesn't use them No bad places They can take a permanent vacation One doesn't want to fall on others Even the slightest of their negative vibration Sweet honey pie Sweet honey pie and manna Sweet honey pie In Christ's love abound Sweet honey pie Sweet honey pie and manna Sweet honey pie In Christ's love abound Staying away from crime not just part of the time Not because as far as no crime is concerned The freedom bells always chime And not just part of the time There is a category of no stipulations For good realizations Never taking a vacation This is the sensation Sweet honey pie Sweet honey pie and manna Sweet honey pie In Christ's love abound
Sweet honey pie Sweet honey pie and manna Sweet honey pie In Christ's love abound Sweet honey pie and sweet honey E=MC squared and no combination or combinations Of atoms that don't agree Look atom No bomb Look love Only love grows from Sweet honey pie Sweet honey pie and manna Sweet honey pie In Christ's love abound Sweet honey pie Sweet honey pie and manna Sweet honey pie In Christ's love abound Jesus Christ Your love Is not denied You all don't die No bad heavy breathing No bad heart a palpitating — instead of beating Christ's privilege is leading No pain or had bleeding Sweet honey pie Sweet honey pie and manna Sweet honey pie In Christ's love abound Sweet honey pie Sweet honey pie and manna Sweet honey pie In Christ's love abound