Johnny my man come throw yer leg over me
Why do you lie with your face tae the wall
It's many's the time ye've played the wild rover
Tonight you won't play the wild rover at all
He took out his bow tae scrape on me fiddle
I cried out me love let the nightingale sing
The tune that he played was cut short in the middle
His bow wasnae able tae reach me top string
I bought him a flask of the finest malt whiskey
Tae see if it would raise his courage once more
He drank it straight down and so softly he kissed me
Then he rolled over tae sleep and tae snore
I fed him on bu*termilk, oysters and garlic
I did everything that a woman could do
Alas and alack his condition was chronic
The harder I pumped him the softer he grew
After he's sleepin' I run from the chamber
I put on my clothes as fast as I can
While he's in his bed and nothing the wiser
I roll in the arms of some other young man
And I says me young fella come throw yer leg over me
Where is the shame in being fond of young men
It's many's the time I've played the wild rover
Tonight I will play the wild rover again