*Choir singing*
[Verse 1: Ras Ka**]
Capable of good or evil, so who'll lead you
Feed you to the beast cause politicians don't need you
Being a child is illegal. "No bids," said Samuel petting his ball eagle
Then two voices spoke:
"We do, we bid said Trouble and Hunger
We bid for their life and limb
When they get to be too many, we'll take care of them
Like I own, we'll hide 'em in secret places where no one can hear their moan"
[Verse 2: Ras Ka**]
Uh, uh. I bid, I bid said Scrounger, screaming
"I bid for them all
I'll teach them a thousand things
To lie, to sneak, and to crawl
They'll sleep in my place like maggots
And if they work out like I want
You won't have to worry. Haha..."
[Verse 3: Ras Ka**]
"No, I'll bid you higher and even higher, if I have to,"
Said Crime with his wolf's grin
"I love to lead the children
Down all those nice paths of sin
They'll all bunch up to steal
The great cities streets they'll fill
And they'll grow too old to pity
Just right for the cops to k**
Give me the little children
You good, you rich, and you wise
And while the busy world spins around
While you shut your goddamn eyes
And your judges will all have work
And your lawyers will flap their tongues
And your jailguards and cops will be the fathers to your young"
Auction off your future