A warrior woman turned docile
A peaceful soul gone hostile
Ever wonder why she is so hostile
And why her attitude is volatile
She got a promotion on her job now
She moved into a bigger house now
She drives around in a new car now
To “broke b**hes” she looks down
The Modern Day Cleopatra
Is a Ghetto Gagger
She loves giving fel**tio
But only to her Ma**a
Even though I tried to tell her
“You cannot serve two masters”
But that only made her
Drop to her knees faster
She let a maniac turn her into a brainiac
She's a head doctor
But she needs a psychiatrist
The rapist's therapy left her mind f**ed
She can't keep him out of her mind
She is stuck
Forced to watch her perform gracefully
She said that he is replacing me
Familiarity breeds contempt
That's why she serves White Supremacy
Questioning the true meaning of loyalty
It feels like an archer shot me in my heart
As I lay here with one eye left
I see both sides
Now it's time for the truth
Where did we go wrong beloved
Why has thou forsaken me
Take this burden away from me
As I am drowning in a pool of betrayal
She kisses me on the cheek
Tells me she loves me
But acts like she hates me
You mean to say “Only She Can Save Me”
As I savor her kiss
She walks away from me
Feeling abandoned
I'm trying to understand it
Did I take her for granted
This is dedicated to the Modern Day Cleopatra
© 2013 by Noble Profound