Elabyrinthinian Dementian
Cthonic Subconscious Lobotomaze
Mysterion Machinations Mesh
Suasion Aforethought
Prescriptic Figments Accost
Curing the Sane
Nebulous Pedigree Curious Anomalous Stimuli
Administer Inextricably
Amalgam Fissures Substantia Grisea
Deep Keep Echo Fortoken Heed
...Their Cursory Practice
Eldritch Untowards
Daedalus Devout Reap Reward
Cortices Foci
Augment Vortices
Scape Periphery Disembody
Neurons Askew
Volte Face Brew
Stares to Read/Stairs to lead
Cognizant Eschewal
Plight of Gammon Psyche
The lightness Shrewd
Zugzwang Gordian blighting
Dissorderlies Strewn