Look at my a**
Look at my thighs
I'm cat nip to the guys
They chase my tail
They drool and pant
Wanna touch this
But they can't (All)
NO! All the boys wanna come and play
Snap my fingers and they obey
Why do they follow me 'round all day?
Watch me while I walk away (All)
I bend and snap (Serena)
Feel how hot it's gettin' (All)
Bend and snap (Serena)
And when you got them sweatin' (All)
Spring the trap
They cheer and clap (Serana)
No tight end
Can defend
Against the bend and snap (Paulette)
Oh, that's easy for you to say (Margot)
And you
Girl, if you wanna make the team
Then fake some self-esteem (Pilar)
The more you jump around and scream
Then the s**ier you seem (Paulette)
Sorry girls, that ain't how I play
This wouldn't work if I tried all day
I gotta go get my asthma spray
Watch me while I walk away (Margot)
No wait before you walk away
Just... (All)
Bend and snap (Paulette)
OW! (Margot)
Look how good you're getting (All)
Bend and snap (Pilar)
I'ma bet right now you sweatin' (All)
Spring the trap
They cheer and clap (Serena)
So depend
On your friend
Called the... (All)
Bend... (Elle)
It's not the time to overthink
Just try it once, he'll buy you a drink (Random girl)
Excuse me, would you teach me that
I am tired of living alone with my cat (Elle)
Sure (Hair stylist)
Now a days I do dye jobs and curls
But here's how we did it in the Laker girls
Come on, Paulette (Margot)
Doesn't this look fun (Pilar)
Works everytime (Serena)
Look, do it and we'll go away (Paulette)
Okay, okay, okay, okay (All)
Bend and snap (Guys)
Damn! (Paulette)
Hey wait a second
When I beckoned
Look how the guys came running
Like I'm...' (Guys)
Kickin' (Paulette)
Finger...' (Guys)
Lickin' (Paulette)
Like I'm (Paulette and guys)
Friggin', wicked stunnin' (Paulette)
Will you pay for stuff I buy (Guys)
Yes (Paulette)
And bake me cake and pie (Guys)
Yes (Paulette)
And hold me when I cry (Guys)
Yes (Paulette)
And I will tell you why
I'm too rockin' to walk away
All the boys come and gawk away
Droppin' jaws from a block away
Watchin' how I walk away (Guys)
We love to watch her walk away (Paulette)
I bend... (All)
And snap (Paulette)
Now look how hot it's gettin'
Bend and... (All)
And snap (Paulette)
I'ma bet right now your sweatin' (All)
Spring the trap
They cheer and clap (Paulette)
I depend on my friend (All)
Go Paulette, Go Paulette (Paulette)
I depend on my friend (All)
Go, go, go Paulette (Paulette)
I depend on my friend
Called the bend and snap Riffing (Everyone)
Bend and snap
Bend and snap
Bend and snap
Bend and snap
Bend and snap
Bend and snap
Bend and snap (Paulette)
I'm goona step aside
I'm goona get me some... KYLE!!! (Kyle)
Paulette, Did I leave my stylis? (Everyone)
Bend and snap... (Paulette)
Aghhh... O crap!!!