INTRODUCTION Someone out there, Is crying about you, Do be careful, heedful, all ears, unhurried, watchful, alert, awake, cautious, cagey, be painstaking, attentive, fussy, keen, methodical, orderly, thorough, mindful. Someone out there, who you might meet up with one day, unexpectedly, may be crying about you; So, do be on your toes, stay sharp, bright, quick, keen, hawk-eyed, observant; For someone out there, is truly, in tears, for you. Someone out there, is crying about you; Do be careful about your walks and looks; who you speak with, who you dance, smile and cook with; someone out there, is crying for you.
Someone who cares, someone who loves you true, Someone whose dear heart, is entwined gently, Someone who loves your hair, your face, your legs; Someone who loves you, is thinking of you. CHORUS Someone out there, who you might meet anew someday, is crying about you somewhere; is crying for you; you are unaware, that someone unknown, is crying for you, is loving you deep down, from the fairness of their deep heart, as I’m sure, you too, care. BRIDGE Remember to be mindful, to beware; To be careful, alert, and aspire, For, out there, is someone, who is crying blood over you, and over your welfare.