Our Father, in heaven Please hear me now I pray We need You more than ever In a million different ways There are wars on every land Poverty inside of man The Earth is groaning from within Deliver us again From the evil that devours Consume it with Your power We implore You now this hour We pray Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done Right here on Earth as it is in heaven Come, set up Your throne And let Thy kingdom come Our Father, in heaven So holy is Your name The angels, they adore You Soon all Earth will do the same Where every tear that we have cried Will be comforted and dried We'll eat from the tree of life And life will never end And we'll worship at Your throne Where You'll make Your Glory known
That You are God and God alone And we pray Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done Right here on Earth as it is in heaven Come, make us Your home And let Thy kingdom Let Thy kingdom, let it come Thy will be done Right here on earth, as it is in heaven Come Make us Your home And let Thy kingdom Let Thy kingdom Let Thy kingdom Let it come, come, come Let it come, come, come Let it come, come, come Let it come Let Thy kingdom come, come, come Let it come, come, come Let it come, come, come Let it come Let Thy kingdom come In our homes On our jobs In our churches Let Thy kingdom In our government In our relationships In our schools In our marriages Let Thy kingdom come