50. The Iron Man is Born (1992 Season) 49. Garo Makes a Mistake (1972 Season) 48. Marshall's Wrong-Way Run (1964 Season) 47. Allen Shows His Instincts (1983 Season) 46. Buffalo Roars Back (1992 Season) 45. A Monday to Remember (1978 Season) 44. O'Brien's Foot Delivers (1970 Season) 43. Pollard's Punishing Hit (2008 Season) 42. Osmanski Bears It All (1940 Season) 41. Victory with a Side of Rice (1987 Season) 40. Doran Goes Deep (1953 Season) 39. Young Thinks on His Feet (1998 Season) 38. Concrete Charlie Knocks Out Gifford (1960 Season) 37. Dorsett Breaks Free (1983 Season) 36. Taylor's Fantastic Finish (1988 Season) 35. Longley's Long-Shot Comeback (1964 Season) 34. Ingram Fights for a First (1990 Season) 33. Chuck Secures the Championship (1960 Season) 32. The Hit Heard 'Round the World (1964 Season) 31. The Catch and Lateral (1933 Season) 30. Broadway Joe Airs One Out (1968 Season) 29. Cromartie's Record Return (2007 Season) 28. Run, Riggins, Run (1982 Season) 27. The Rookie Arrives (1935 Season)
26. The Miracle at the New Meadowlands (2010 Season) 25. The Ghost to the Post (1977 Season) 24. The Clock Play (1994 Season) 23. A Sea of Hands (1974 Season) 22. The Catch II (1997 Season) 21. Wide Right (1990 Season) 20. Peyton's Crazy Call (2009 Season) 19. Dempsey Goes the Distance (1970 Season) 18. The Drive and John Elway (1987 Season) 17. Elway's Dive (1997 Season) 16. Leon's Big Bowl Blunder (1992 Season) 15. Harrison Runs Home (2008 Season) 14. Swann's Super Catch (1975 Season) 13. Vinatieri's Clutch Kick (2001 Season) 12. The Ice Bowl Sneak (1967 Season) 11. The Holy Roller (1978 Season) 10. Big Ben's Last-Ditch Dagger (2008 Season) 9. The Tuck Rule (2001 Season) 8. The Hail Mary (1975 Season) 7. One Yard Short (1999 Season) 6. The Miracle at the Meadowlands (1978 Season) 5. The Horse Rides Home (1958 Season) 4. The Music City Miracle (1999 Season) 3. The Flee to Tyree (2007 Season) 2. The Immaculate Reception (1972 Season) 1. The Catch (1981 Season)