Ure telling me you wanna come over But girl I done told ya I don't know If i could control myself I would luv to just kiss ya and hold ya Movies popcorn and soda But imagine us all by ourselves (bridge) We'll be kissing Skin to skin wearing nutting Who'd know were we'd end But u can stay if you really wanna Its okay (chorus) (Repeat 2ce) Its okay, its alright U can spend the night If you promise that you'd hold me tight And I would like 4 u 2 luv me luv me Baby I been thinking to myself If I eva had u alone wat ide do to u wat ude do to me
Every thing inbetween But wait I don't wanna hurt u Don't get it twisted don't baby girl Cos I ain't scared of u (bridge) Cos u know I really wanna make luv But I don't wanna rush u U mean every thing to me luv And to make u happy is wat I want to do A dream that has fallen so long And if its wat u want cum on Kissing skin to skin well be wearing nothing Who know were we'd end up (chorus) (repeat 3 times) First comes of the shirt Then,then cums of the pants Then cums of the bra then ohh girl