INTRO: Mom, I know I let you down And though I say the days are happy Why is the power off and I'm f**ed up and Mom, I know he's not with you But don't you place the blame on me As you yell at me another time, yeah HOOK: VERSE 01: I used to care at first, thinking about what you said, hurt the worst In every argument , my mom she got it the worst, the thought of it As stubborn as we are, I've taken it to far, yelling, screaming, hating on her Lots of arguments, but regardless I don't hate you Cause ma, you're still beautiful to me, cause you're my ma Through far be it for you to be too calm, the house was like the New World War A Desert Storm and the both of us put together could form an atomic bomb Equivalent to the Chemical Warfare and forever we could drag this on and on But, we used to disagree, those gifts for me under the Christmas tree That doesn't mean sh** to me, you kicked me out? It's late and It's just a normal day, “ Little prick, just leave, “ you made me sad Every time that we are arguing, we are always at each other throats 'specially when my dad, he left you and now you ain't even close And that is what makes us close, further away me and my dad are becoming Headlights shine, and a car full of my belonging Had ways to go to Dad's house, he lived very close And I was the youngest man of the house, never thought, that we would ever get this far What took it this far was when Joc was sitting there crying And that's when I realized you were sick and I don't think it will ever be fixable And to this day I remain estranged and I f**ing hate it though, but... HOOK: VERSE 02: Cause to this day we remain estranged and I hate it though Cause now you ain't even gonna see your lil boy even grow But I hope you know I'm sorry for all those comments at the time I was angry Rightfully, maybe so, never meant that far to take it though
Cause, this is not any of your fault and I'm not bullsh**ting, yo I promise to never say any crazy things to you, so And I think of Joc having no confidence And all the sh** you used to say to me and how I just wanted you to taste your own But now that time's taking over And your growing old and we don't have a great relationship and messed up and now we have to grow This sh** is painful though but ma, I forgive you, so does Joc All you did, all you said, you did your best to raise us all The clothes we wear, that cross you wear, few may be as heavy as yours But I love you, Dana Roman, oh, what a tangled web we have Cause, one thing I never asked for was where the hell was my a**hole dad was f** that, I guess that's something I never thought to thank you for But I'd flip every mattress, or every rock and desert cactus Own a million of maps and would follow my sisters to the edge of the world If I could go back and they weren't born, It wouldn't the same you know If I had to come down the chimney dressed as Santa, i'd kidnap 'em And although we don't live as close as we used to, when I was young Maybe one day we will live together as one and another I still cherish the times that we used to have with each other And as I left I have this overwhelming sadness Come over me as the car pulled of to our separate paths And I saw your face as I looked out the window and I'm mad I didn't get the chance thank you for being my mom and my best-friend So mom, please accept this as a tribute I wrote in my room as I was thinking of you I had to get this off my chest, I hope you get the chance to read it 'fore I'm dead The bible says to always respect your parents, but I guess I never thought of that, yo So if I'm dreaming, I hope you get this message That I'll always love you from a son cause you're my momma HOOK: