Well I get up in the morning
Got them freeway blues
Yeah, I'm bumper to bumper
Somebody better move
(Get outta my way s**er)
I said, hey, hey, hey
Everybody out of my way
Yeah, every mornin', every night
The traffic it just plain stops
No matter which way you go
It's a evil gridlock
Pretty soon the whole interstate's
Gonna be one big parking lot
The helicopters say on the radio
Man you're doomed no matter which way you go
And then if you gotta talk to the tinkle buddy
Better get that Big Gulp cup, honey
So there you are on your way to work
And what're you doing?
You're stuck in traffic hell
But listen to me, man
I'm not gonna waste my life being in some traffic jam
Not sittin' around to go to some evil, twisted, little job
You hear me?
In fact, I'm not even gonna go to work
I'm not even gonna get off at the liitle Go To Work exit
I'm gonna pull over right here, man
I'm gonna pull over right here
And I'm gonna call my job up
I'm gonna talk to my boss
And say, "Oh, Mr. Boss
Mr. Boss, I'm so sick
I'm so sick I can't go to work
I'm so sick I gotta go to a party at the beach
You hear me?
You s**as in front of me
Get out of my way
Get out of my way, boy
I gotta go to the party at the beach
You hear me?
I'm gonna crush you evil yuppie twits
In your little teeny fancy little Euro-Japo-foo-foo-mobiles
Get out of my way
I said, move over Rover
Let Mojo take over
Do you hear me, s**as, say
Move over Rover
Let Mojo take over
Now some of y'all are probably saying
"Now, Moj', aren't you advocating possibly some illegal activity?
Are you worried about the police?"
I said, "Cops? I ain't afraid of no stinkin' cops, man"
The cops can't touch me at all, you hear me?
The cops are nothin' but prisoners of the donut shops, anyway
Now I got a, I got a plan, ladies and gentlemen
All you people out there stuck in traffic, man
Your car's overheatin'
And they got somethin' funny on the radio or some dang thing
I want to you turn your radio up full blast
Turn it up past eleven
Roll down your windows
Honk your horn
Put the pedal to the metal and start screamin'
Hey, hey, hey
Get out of my way
C'mon, scream it
Hey, hey, hey
Get out of my way, yeah
'Cause I ain't goin' to work today
Yeah, don't be no slave to the freeway
Man, free yourself
Get up on the shoulder
Cut across some fields
Turn around, go the wrong way
Get out of this traffic jam, yeah
Shoot through them tollbooths at 120 miles an hour
Throwin' pennies up into the air
D'ya hear me?
Get in there
Hey, hey, hey
Get out of my way
I want you to get into the, ah what you call that there
The commuter lane, the carpool lane
And put a couple o' inflatable dolls next to ya
And just start cruisin' down that s**er, that's right
I said
Hey, hey, hey
Get out of my way
I said hey, hey, hey
Get out of my way
Hey, hey, hey
Get out of my way