Don't want no foo foo hair cut sitting on my head Don't want no foo foo hair cut sitting on my head Man I'd rather be bald, I'd rather be dead Oh the best hair of my generation been destroyed by stylin' mousse Some of the best hair of my generation Been destroyed by that evil stylin' mousse Yeah there's only one moose, said Bullwinkle's on the loose Don't be like Charlie Sexton, a prisoner to your haircut Don't be like Charlie Sexton, a prisoner to your haircut My wife up on a magazine (?), looking like a nut They'll nuke your cats mommas (?) If her hair sticking up so high Man if it gets caught in a fan Them poor boys they might die Man that would be a shame, it would be a pity. You know one morning I Woke up, from a nice night of sleeping, I woke up and I said to myself, "Mojo, Mojo, you Cannot judge a foo foo by his haircut. Can't just a book by it's cover, you can't decide, You know, if a person's Good or band just because they got one of them big poofter haircuts sticking up. Mojo there might be a great cosmic kid inside of them people. One of them People all dressed In black, looking all like they're gonna die and everything, they're Just regular folks like me and you. Them heavy metal guys, they're regular folks like me and you. So man, for brotherhood, for peace, fraternity, equality, I decided that I, Mojo Nixon, was gonna get me a foo foo haircut. That's right, in the war between the rockers and The poofters, ya dig
it. So I went and got me one of them haircuts, man I'm talking about a Mighty big one, They had to get a hair extension peace on me man, sticking three, four Feet up the air. Big black thing, lots of styling mousse on it, bees and birds and bats Were flying all around That s**er, looked like a couple of bats had a nest up there or Something, might have been vampire bats or something, you know, I dig it man. So I'm sitting there and I'm walking around and everybody's seeing me and they're saying, "Mojo, we're so bummed Mojo, we can't believe, we can't believe Mojo, you got a foo foo haircut." All for brotherhood, I did it all for brotherhood. So one Sunday afternoon you know I do I go down To my local go-kart track man, and I get in that there little go-kart and I think I'm gonna take off like Wendell Scott and the guy that owns the place he comes up to me and he says, "Hey Moj, Moj, I know you like go-karts a whole lot and everything, but that Haircut, mmm mmm, mmm mmm, Mojo, you can't be racing with that haircut, not only are the Bats scaring everybody, but you might poke somebody's eye out with that thing. I Mean it's just way up there, Mojo, it's out of control. I know that haircut helps you get in them New York clubs And everything, make you feel real existential and what not, but no go-karts Mojo." I thought about this for a second, I was mighty discombobulated, I said to Myself "Discombobulation is sweeping the nation!" and...