The time has come honey when things are for money
I know you won't know their name
The world that you live in ain't too far from giving
The world that I live in just the same
The time will come when what's black will be white
What's in will be out
The words that you told are about to unfold me
I'm leaving now without any doubt
You'll have to forgive the words in my mouth
You know I'm just the same as you
And the skin that covers my body is the same that covers you
Don't know what's a poor boy to do
They won't believe me, now they lie and deceive me
Time will tell me what to do
And the time may go harder when there'll be no more money
What's a poor boy to do?
Not so long ago I had my future plans
Step by step was planned, you know things were looking grand
Now although most good things gone, I look around and it's not the same
What does it matter now, tell me who's to blame
Does it really matter much to me?
Went upon a mountain to see what I could see
There was someone else, they were looking right at me
I don't know who they are or where they might have been
It doesn't really matter now, you know it's not the same
It doesn't really matter who's to blame