Oh Dear, Coming Through with my Shaolin Crew 2 Cents for a case get St. Ides Brew In the midst of broken bottles and crushed up cans Methtical's in the jam, Oh how dry I am! It's with St. Ides in my system Crack a number unbless, Let's go get the next one Then get over, the object is to stay sober Lay on the sofa, better yet, down my shoulder Call me the Wallabee Champ, stressed out, Could never be son Richochet daily hit the deli for a cold one Naturally blessed, yes, my rap is like a laser beam
That pours in the bushes, St. Ides knowledge king Crack a bottle of the St. Ides, sipping through those Who don't realize, That drinking it, only to be drunk You can't drive, peep my peoples collide And if the saint don't know, you'll fill a can of paint paint It was hot, on the spot, so I jetted up the block I saw Ock was in?, I could tell by the docks On the back, you refill it, Not that ya'll get filleded Ice cold bottle titled, til my cuppy spill it Tsss Ahhh... St. Ides (St. Ides)