Your boyfriend's a dick so he gotta go
Listen to some songs on my stereo
Look into my eyes babe
This is real
And everyone says you're too good for me
But i dont know
I just cannot see
Why you dont wanna be
With me
But just take a chance, chance, chance
I love you cause you love to dance
To that rock ranger record that you love
So much
Let's go to Jimmy Joe's record store
And dig through the LP's on the floor
Why can't you realize babe
This is real
Yeah your boyfriend's a dick so he gotta go
Listen to some songs on my stereo
Look into my eyes babe
This is real
Guitar solo
Just take a chance, chance, chance
I love you cause you love to dance
To that rock ranger record that you love
So much
C'mon take a chance, chance, chance
I love you cause you love to dance
To that rock ranger record that you love
So much