Mon-Tus: no journal a**igned Wed 9/18: The Catcher in the Rye begins with a boy explaining about his life and how he's going to tell you more about himself. So far the beginning hasn't caught my attention, but I have heard it's a really good book and I've also heard that it's not all that great. I really think the author shouldn't have begin the book that way because I wouldn't want to know that some young boy is going to tell me about his life and struggles.
Thur 9/19: In Persepolis, The Story Of A Childhood, there is a young girl that is 10 years old. In her story she explains the struggling of going through the change of having to wear a veil. Since she was very young she didn't understand why they were making her family wear the veil has a part of their religion. She also explain about her problem of making a prophet but not being able to because she's a female and most prophets are men.