"Deep And Dark And Dangerous"
A 13-year-old girl named Ali finds an old photograph in the attic of her house,she recognizes two of the three children as her Aunt Dulcie her Mom,Claire. But she finds that a third girl has been torn out of the photo.Ali first asks her Mother,but she denies that there ever was a third child & insists that it was just herself & Dulcie. Ali figures she'll have time to figure out who the girl is while she's with her Aunt & younger cousin,Emma, at a small cottage in Maine,but,not long after they arrive,the girls meet Sissy.
Testing PSAT.
A man had decorated his house with dummies and a lot more Halloween decorations. The decorations had scared the neighbors because he had dummies one of them looked like it was ran over and the other looked like it was cut in half by the garage door.
The both got shot while they were in the car.
both of them had bleed internally.
both investigations went no were.
took a very long time to try and solve both crimes.
they both rapped.