Owwww!! Yeah!! Don't
Go Back to destroy!!!
Ya gotta keep movvin on.
Ya gotta work together!!
Keep movin on.
Hey My name is Hannah
you can call me Miley.
Nobody can't judge me.
My boss can boss me.
But you ain't my momma
and my daddie.
But you know what I'm not
perfect so as ya. But Lil
Renni we have to keep
Oh yeah! We gotta keep
movin on. Oh! Hey Im
Lil Renni!!! I'm just
tryna tell ya some
lifesk**s. Don't be
mad at each other.
Oh! Ha! Ha! I'm a rapper.
Nobody can't act like
I'm a Disaster. Oh! I'm
in Texas like im a
Gettin my girlz ready.
Im not sayin you are
ugly. God made everybody
Hey! This is Miley.
You Can Call Me
Hannah Montana!!
So you gotta
keep movin. Gettin
my guitar. So you
are the good on.
But ya can't go
back. Just Keep
movin on thats
the only thing that will make your life better.