Who lifts me up when i am down
Who turns my cry into a laugh
Who's always there to back me up
And be my sidekick when i'm been daft
Who knows exactly what i'm thinking
Without me even saying a word
And knows what my reply is
Even though you've not quite heard
Those deep-a** conversations
General stories of everyday
Our thoughts about the future
And how our lives will lay
Those strings you know to pull
And those lines you never cross
My friend i love you so much
Without you i'd be lost
Them random nights that turn to days
Those drunken long walks home
Those lazy mornings after
And unknown pictures on your phones
The dreams we wont grow out of
The stars we wish would shine
Laughter lives on in memories
And tears dry up in time
I've not known you forever
But this isn't a test
Friendship isn't about who you've known the longest
It's about who came and never left