[Marlos Hill] The Lifestream That's what we call the river of life that circles our planet Giving life to the world and everything in it But Shinra Electric Power Company had discovered a way To use the Lifestream, as an energy source Because of Shinra's energy, we were able to live very comfortable lives But wasn't that because we were taking away from the planet's life? A lot of people thought so Shinra used their power to stop anyone who got in their way Shinra had a special group of warriors called SOLDIER And all of the SOLDIERS had Jenova cells put inside of them Jenova was a calamity that fell from the sky a long long time ago And tried to destroy the planet; ANYWAY There was this one SOLDIER named Sephiroth Who was better than the rest But when he found out about the terrible experiments that made him He began to hate Shinra, and then Over time, he began to hate EVERYTHING Shinra and the people against them Sephiroth, who hated the planet so much That he wanted to make it go away, and the people who tried to stop him There were a lot of battles, for every battle there was more sadness Someone I loved went back to the Lifestream too And then it came - the chosen day In the end, the planet itself had to make the battle stop for good The planet used the Lifestream as a weapon
And when it burst out of the earth All the fighting, all the grief, and all the sadness Everything was washed away This is the story, Final Fantasy VII: Black Materia [Random] An energy manufacturing mega-company Known as Shinra Incorporated is harvesting the sheer life energy Of the planet, as a simple fossil fuel The Lifestream is processed and made into products Ranging from electricity and heat, to mako and materia The latter two materials can work miracles Granting the wisdom of the Ancients to the user However, the Lifestream like most other fuels Is finite in supply, and the planet's life force Is being malevolently drained, by the constant exploitation of mako By Shinra Though aware of the harmful effects, they function without remorse However the real battle lies not with the corporation But a force much more confident from the distant past A long thought dead warrior bent on becoming a God By draining all the Lifestream from the planet has risen again And will stop at nothing to achieve its goal And now a small rebel group eminating from the slums Must quell the various dangers toward the innocent And one mercenary for hire Must look admist the lies and deception And find the man, he is, within Mega Ran~! Lost Perception Black Materia, Final Fantasy