[1] Hair and flesh thus enmeshed in measured touches longing lost in a vale of secret pleasures no one knew, no one knew we could replace the rib and remake Adam in our room no one knew starve the beast in a hungry, torrid feast of breath and teeth [2] incomplete, as a unit, unix meet barbie dolls play for kens in games of doctor made the nurse play along Hermaphrodite gains its kingdom from our blindness we close our eyes to our hearts and livid crotches to be cross and alone
[3] our tongues and lips are smothering our lungs and hips are shuddering feed w/ me hand to mouth our eyes combine to form a shining sturdy sundial the weather wets its tongue and licks our hearts completely a muscled tongue that wrestles pride and my ambition lets have a match and TAKE TURNS PINNING EACH OTHER write a message on a feather the wind unfolds its bold precarious plot trust the currents for the better Love me back together! in a feast breath and teeth