It’s like we’re underwater where it’s slower
and the lights glow brighter, the ground is softer.
Like just because I know her the noise is lower
and our bodies feel lighter, our voices travel further.
But I still get nervous when I can’t see the surface.
I breathe deeper when I sleep. I wake up and I exhale.
When I honor synchronicity the more of myself I see everywhere.
Almost forgot about my body, everything in perfect timing.
And if it ever hurts I'll turn it into compersion.
I got versions of myself to burn, future selves I still have to earn
but I won’t get there until I learn that the future will take care of itself.
I shift my attention as to not burn out.
But you could let me know when it’s time to go,
if it’s only time, if it’s time at all.
I believe in energy and I won’t stop searching for this.
Even if I never get a chance to hold it I won’t feel sorry for myself.