d'archangel rises with eyes that accuse. A bouquet of black orchids for you as you weep in the ruins of all that you knew, of all that you cherished, of all you possessed. It's a mess! And the message is scrawled on the wall. It says > God bless what's left. And what's right ? And what's wrong? Well, we still have the songs - but where are you Gershwin now that we need you? God how we need you... And down in the city of heartbreak and needles, a needle is rammed and a new dream begins. And the subway's a hospital - beds on the tracks. And the victims are cracked under bandages, wrapped in their oxygen tents. Looking tense because the doctor's demented and holding a pin... and if they cry out, he'll hammer it in. Yes, Gershwin is grinning > God how I need you right now... Watch Washington wash in what's left of the Whitehouse. Hear Hendrix
make love to his ghost. Hear Abraham, Marin and John sing a song as they snip at your hair, as they bu*ter their toast. Fred Astaire sings along as he skips down the stairs of the Pentagon. Gone! It's all gone - the American dream. ... Christ, it's only a dream. But where are you, George? Now that we need you... I am the way, the truth, the light Merciful angel with blood on his hands. He's down on his knees, because there's nowhere to stand in a dungeon of plastic.. a castle of ice. Ankles tied with elastic, the blindfold is tight. The windows are shattered, there's bolts on the door, and the music's so loud, he can't think anymore. Floodlights are blazing, they shout when he sleeps. But he prays because he loves them - they treat him like this! >>.