They wake up when the sun goes down
They get up while we're drinking tea
And go out when the day is done
The early morning hangers on
The girls are full of arrogance that's
Mirrored in their swelling breasts
The boys have got that casual stance
Of favoured sons of self-made men
The early morning hangers on
Come on let's dance……..
Come on…………
Eyes rooted in her breasts
They toil to pa** the night away
Washing away melancholy
But without dirtying their hands
The early morning hangers on
At midnight they begin to talk
Of poems they haven't read
Of novels they'll never write
Of lovers that they've never had
Of great truths they've never known
The early morning hangers on
Love only gets them in the gut
It was it was, so good
It was, you wouldn't understand
The early morning hangers on
Let's down another last whiskey
Let's tell another last good joke
Let's down the very last whiskey
Let's dance the very last tango
Let's down the very last hurt
The early morning hangers on
Chorus x 2