This is not recess! (Coming out) In your most challenging role yet... (Coming out) In your most challenging role yet... This is not-not-not r-r-r-recess! This is not recess! Recess This is not-not-not r-r-r-recess! Recess This is This-this-this-this this is-not-re-cess! He's a human being and he wants to wipe everyone out... He's a human being and he wants to wipe
And he wants to wipe... He's a human being and he wants to wipe And he wants to wipe everyone, wipe everyone out... This is not recess! Recess This is not-not-not r-r-r-recess! Recess This is This is not recess! This-this-this-this this is-not-re-cess! Listen and listen Listen and listen Listen and listen...