Don't live too fast Peggy Peggy - There'll be nothing left for Eighty four But staying in bed more and more and more. Married to your memories, Are memories made of this? Memories are meant for living in bliss. Marble walls, give the duenna a kiss, a kiss. Gugga-gugga-gugga Duchamp devil haunted bed. Nimm mich Ernst Nimm mich Ernst. Gugga-gugga-gugga too much Gobelin Not enough "Heim". Dispensed erections every day - Peggy Peggy Peggy - Peggy peg. No time to use. Just leave to stand - to stand. Should have saved a few
On ice on Can*l Grand For rainy days When bed alone's too bland No more co*k in Cocteau, fel**tio's just a haze. Too many beds Too few tears - Après Pica**o blues and fears. Gugga-gugga-gugga Duchamp devil haunted bed. Nimm mich Ernst Nimm mich Ernst. Gugga-gugga-gugga too much Gobelin Not enough "Heim". She did it for art Did it for art! Let gondelier smiles Make life pa** less fast. Take one idea, Platinum-dipped, per year. Too many beds Too few tears - Après Pica**o blues and fears.