Here are pills for rave power, You eat and feel good. Go into the dance club And go onto the floor DJ starts the music KOMPRESSOR lock the door People stop their drinking And go into a trance KOMPRESSOR hate them all because KOMPRESSOR DOES NOT DANCE! KOMPRESSOR DOES NOT DANCE! (KOMPRESSOR does not dance) KOMPRESSOR DOES NOT DANCE! (KOMPRESSOR does not dance) You do not use a Macintosh Instead you use a Tandy KOMPRESSOR break your glowstick KOMPRESSOR eat your candy KOMPRESSOR open jars KOMPRESSOR release ants KOMPRESSOR watch you scream because KOMPRESSOR DOES NOT DANCE! KOMPRESSOR DOES NOT DANCE! (KOMPRESSOR does not dance) KOMPRESSOR DOES NOT DANCE! (KOMPRESSOR does not dance) You like to eat the rave d**
You get more energy You think it's worth the money But we do not agree We make pill of poison We sell as stimulants KOMPRESSOR watch you die because KOMPRESSOR DOES NOT DANCE! KOMPRESSOR DOES NOT DANCE! (KOMPRESSOR does not dance) KOMPRESSOR DOES NOT DANCE! (KOMPRESSOR does not dance) KOMPRESSOR...DOES...NOT...DAAAAAAAAAAAANCE! (KOMPRESSOR does not dance) KOMPRESSOR DOES NOT DANCE! (KOMPRESSOR does not dance) KOMPRESSOR DOES NOT DAA-AAA-AANCE! (KOMPRESSOR does not dance) KOMPRESSOR...DOES...NOT...DAAAAAAAAAAAANCE! (KOMPRESSOR does not dance) (KOMPRESSOR does not dance) (KOMPRESSOR does not dance) (KOMPRESSOR does not dance) (KOMPRESSOR does not dance) (KOMPRESSOR does not dance) (KOMPRESSOR does not dance) [fade out]