Mama always taught me
Speak straight from the heart
Practice til its perfect
Always finish what you start
Grandma said don't slam a door
You might have to walk through again
Swallow your pride, don't give up
Be a true friend
Life lessons you won't find in a book
Lessons in survival, I'm so glad I took
Life lessons you won't learn in school
Sk**s in survival you use as tools
Always try to tell the truth
And always look before you leap
Plant your tree, and then have your fruit
Don't make promises you can't keep
Try not to lend or borrow
Don't fight for the last word
You'll get a second chance tomorrow
Don't follow the herd
Life lessons you won't find in a book
Lessons in survival, I'm so glad I took
Life lessons you won't learn in school
Sk**s in survival you use as tools
So these are life lessons you won't find in a book
Lessons in survival I'm so glad I took