I fell asleep in trieste harbour with my back against the wall And i swear we're only half awake till something sees us fall And all the houses in the harbour were as ripe as watermelons In the afternoon cathedral of the red hot july sun I held my head under the water of a fountain clear as gla** And i lay my head upon your heart when you lay on the gra** There was a bird and i remember how it flew across the sun And how its shadow fell upon us as the clouds moved in I fell asleep in ma**achusetts with my head against the wall And i slept like i was dreaming for a thousand souls When i raised my head the water was the colour of the sun
And my heart was full of fortune and my head as light as sand We made love among the pine trees on an island full of bu*terflies Where hot successive summers had turned the gra** to hay And all the trees so still above our heads were tender With the scent of pine and static with both sunlight and forgetfulness I fell asleep and when i woke up all the world was somehow different The colours burned more brightly and the sunlight seemed more strong And i remember blue gla** shadows and the fine hair of your arm And all the clouds in the cathedral of the red hot july sun.