(Verse 1) Truthfully much love to the 2am texters Telling me how I inspire when composing lyrics The Salvador Dali of rap persistence in memories I got to many my n***a I wish to surpress em But they made me who I am so why not confess em And I ain't never been to church So why hold up your Sunday With the preachings of a poet call me Plato; the world is my Socrates I'm still learning More of a myth than Jesus to an Athiest but breathing Open up the bible can't relate to anything im reading But a God I do believe in Cause these words that speaking Drew out silver linings to these black clouds that I'm seeing And I'm seeking a bigger picture Microscopic lens; I'm Banksy couldn't get my name without a couple millions EBay bidding, cause they claiming better living comes from items that you purchase momentary satisfaction like s** but contracting aids And im broken; how they show up to US Open Spending money on these medals that could feed a nation Buying diamonds b**h think of Rwanda Genocide for the money ain't talking bout Tutsi's We're all a bunch of Hutu's still k**ing our people! Micheal Dunken green mile we're heading for d**h row And I'm trying to make a difference in this damn time But tell me how can a man fly when both my f**ing hands tied (Verse 2) Ignorance is bliss; as they all say I guess that's why depression eats away at the holder of knowledge A couple dollars makes a difference But tell me if your ego driven or soul driven in this living I'm too gifted but humble no difference; my friends say I'm eh from earth but no art Beethoven I'm deaf to your talks but see sound; an N.E.R.D.; with no HUGO; can't afford Barney's a lost child
A prodigal to most; but therapeutic to me; when I'm spending Calculated rhythms Hope you hear em cause radio spinning truth My words are the spray cans The people my canvas So I'm basically spitting art If you take it to heart Pop culture the Warhol to your sickness but no Campbell Government in dept; just to keep us on our toes Conspiracy theories I don't know what to believe These politicians up on their shinanigans; all these cover ups and attica's; over populating; street rioting Annoymously sponsoring; occupying wall street pondering everything I'm writing honoring The troops that are out there fighting for me; a war that we don't understand we need breifing Or is it really made for us to keep grieving; beat into submission to pay taxes; these ba*tards In a world where if you speak your mind; you are illuminati; plotting terrorism; need a shrink; cause what your speaking out is hush hush and they don't want us to have a mind of our own we're free thinkers; 1st admentment given to us But not enforced Getting black bagged but no vendettas I need something to believe in Something greater then I Or this puppet show we love to call Hip-Hop The industry and bloggershpere pulling strings like f**ing Gepetto But I love it Cause while they're playing me I illustrated what they see Drew an uncanny concept Post production episode for episode I lived threw it And now it's time to play the lead roll But I ain't casted No invisibility but I played Casper The underdog's had enough With this remote control and middle finger raised I put my finger on the power bu*ton Lights out time To shut this game down FIN