[Round 1: Kid Twist] Alright Jeffrey, you might've won twice But after this he won't he won't keep his strong buzz This is a genius, this is a genius on d** Who has a hatred of natives cause his mom used to blow 'em for meth needles They didn't rain dance to give her wet sheets though, that's why they named her "Spread Eagle" And you can tell he's racist by the skin on his head Or the saw his major motion picture event, Canadian History Zed It's obvious you bit your s**, d** and d**h flow from Necro There's one question left though Where the f** did your neck go? And sodomy is the special ingredient for this s**ual deviant Cause we know God loves seeing men on both knees for him This freak is crew, you call yourself G.O.D. I agree with you Cause only rednecks, racists and pedophiles believe in you His sh** might be dope as f**, I couldn't tell if it was It sounds like a constipated mental patient with all the yelling he does About how he'll k** a b**h with weapon and then get an erection from smellin' the blood But hey...c**aine is a hell of a drug [Round 1: Hollohan] Ayo, tonight Twist, I'm about to teach you a f**ing lesson And I don't need to jam a hundred multi's into a couple seconds or even come aggressive See after his battle with Big Mac we went to Burger King I even bought him a Pepsi He was staring into my eyes, licking his lips like he thought I was s**y He was nervous, he thought I was as cute as a motherf**er But how could he tell me Gulp, his Adam's apple looked like it was bungie jumping from his mouth to his belly Yo, he admitted he loves a man in uniform, he can't help it, it makes his dick flinch sh** we pa**ed two cops and when we were walking You should've seen the neck on this kid twist Ayo, and then he got all antsy and frisky Got rejected by a b**h because he's anorexic and skinny He said, "Hey baby wanna do the Twist?" She said "Yeah" then started doing the dance from the 50's Ayo, so he threw his Pepsi cup on the ground like, "Pst littering is harmless." But after I left, poRich told me you came back and picked up the garbage He always bragging 'bout his b**h but she's filthy I f**ing think she's a crack fiend Down her pants is like Bart Simpson's TV show, all Krusty, Itchy & Scratchy And I know 100% he's gonna compare me to a bunch of hunky celebs I talked to a couple of his buddies and friends Who said they went on his computer to Google and they were touching the M The most recent search history popped up as "muscular men" You're taking a loss to my joking style Twist So every other time expect a repeat Cause the fact that I can come aggressive when you do is pathetic Means that you could never beat me [Round 2: Kid Twist] Look, he tries to act tough but the Jeffery we know is about to get exposed like Jesse Ito Cause your whole life is a never ending freak show See, I know he's gay as f** Cause when I battled Big Mac and he was made a judge We had to wait an hour for him to get his precious hair faded up Then he moved in with a 16 year old chick and her mother You don't find it strange you had to f** her on Hannah Montana covers? And don't think I don't know about the blow, crack and smack you do And that you think cause you smoke h**n it's not as bad for you And what about the time a transs**ual gave Jeff a blow? And he tried to shrug it off like, "I ain't touch the man's testicles. I'm still a [?]" Or how you phone Pat Stay for hours like some b**h and women friends Or how your life long drinking binge caused your impotence And we couldn't battle at the last King Of The Dot cause you were scared to d**h of someone bringing the cops I hate to do this, but he had to get put in his place And you wanna know if it's all true? Look at his face [Round 2: Hollohan] Ayo, on my flight here, Twist was the stewardess who read the French announcements on the airplane
And he uses so much f**ing hairspray If you come within a 3 meter radius it feels like bear mace Ayo, and look at his skin he's dying, the cancer's so thin He's the reason [?] smoking, he's so pale and needs more tanning lotion than there's water in the Atlantic Ocean See, cause you're embarra**ment to rap in this country He put all us real cats in a bad mood Ah, you're pure white, skinny and weigh nothing Why am I battling the line of coke I just did in the bathroom Yo, this is the Real Deal vs Fresco but a more serious sequel I just wanna know how my h**n needle is wearing American Eagle Ayo, when I yell too loud it hides the fact that Jeff's f**ing clever If I trusted you as far as I could throw you that would make you my best buddy ever Ayo, but f** this anorexic little noodle Who's only s**ual maneuver is leaning over to grab his cum rag next to his computer Cause you're not a man, it's a joke to think he'd murder me Every e-mail Twist gets about making his dick bigger he reads thoroughly Ayo, this battle was already over before the cameraman pressed record But Caliente I was running out of time you won't need a second more Ayo, my metaphors are set to score due to excessive force On this level 24 elvin orc And I'll Mortal Kombat upper cut this motherf**er 'til he launches into the second floor [?] [Round 3: Kid Twist] f** his bogus tactics Trying to shout real loud to show his pa**ion But you can't sound like the hardest out with a 'Scotian accent And it's a FreshCoast dude he modeled his whole approach to Dizaster Call him the Halifax explosion cause he's a Nova Scotian disaster When I did my first battle and sliced Prolific's throat You were at home in Dartmouth sniffing coke When I did JumpOff to prove our country's sh** is dope And you were in a ditch in Calgary...sniffing coke When I went to Scribble Jam you were HERE...SNIFFING COKE So to say that you're better than me is a joke Do you even know what rhythm means Mr. Clean? Yo, he's trying to cram in 250 schemes But when you're on methamphetamines that's how long a minute seems You proven fraud, I swear if this dude is God He only sent Jesus to the cross to see him with his tunic off But he's glad to be on the brink of my limelight Of course God think that I'm tight I'm the king by divine right [Round 3: Hollohan] Ayo this bird looking motherf**er was supposed to put up more money But he said he can't afford us So he went out and bought a t-shirt with a picture of the rest of his family portrait Ayo, but any b**h who seen his dick will say it's surely missing a couple sturdy inches His rabbi was nervous or blurry vision and missed on the first incision during his bris at the circumcision And yeah I lift weights, perfect b**hes prefer the thickness But don't even front like you don't encourage fitness cause you're a gymnast See Twist is a professional river dancer and he's training for his first Olympics Yo, he hangs with a couple of f*ggots who play Dungeons & Dragons and has every version printed But f** a warrior he prefers the wizard When the f** did rappers become so white instead of speaking perfect English I don't give a f** if you can type 200 words per minute! Ayo, I am Mr. Clean or Stone Cold So go fold clothes and do my dirty dishes No serious, do my dishes But I bet this dude is vicious He'd f** me up in a fight if he used his fist the same way does on his keyboard when his computer glitches Ayo, so he watches my videos scared and his pants get warm and wet Then cause lately he started screaming cause you're demanding more respect Why would've Organik have placed a Tyrannosaurus Rex versus Alanis Morissette Yo, cause your rap career is like the a** you get; fairy tales The life you live is pretend See Hollohan's story is straight forward, there is no Twist at the end